Teacher Notes

Bible Stories for Adults

Jesus Calms a Storm

Matthew 8:23-27

Welcome and Announcements
    Next Week - Jesus Heals a Canaanite's Daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
    Bible Words to Remember:
      May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Opening Prayer

A Busy Messiah (Matthew 4:23-25)
    How did Jesus spend the first 2-1/2 years of His 3-year ministry? = Large crowds from all over
      Matthew 4:23-25 = Traveling through Galilee - teaching, preaching, healing
    How willing was Jesus to be bothered with the cares and needs of these crowds of people?
      Matthew 8:1-4 = He was very willing to take care of His own out of love
    Why did Jesus spend so much time healing since there would always be sickness and trouble?
      Matthew 8:16-17 = Isaiah's prophesy that Messiah would take our infirmities

    How dedicated was Jesus to taking care of these people who came to Him?
      Mark 3:20-21 = So much so that He neglected even His own need to eat
    Why did Jesus show so much concern for all of these strangers?
      Mark 3:31-35 = They weren't strangers, they were His family
    Besides bringing people to be healed, why did people travel long distances to see Jesus?
      Matthew 7:28-29 = He was an amazing teacher and preacher - Words of God

Getting Away From the Crowd? (Matthew 8:18)
    Was it easier for Jesus to be less crowded by teaching outside, rather than in a home?
      Mark 4:1 = Even outside He was crowded, taught from a boat
    Who, most likely, owned this boat?
      Luke 5:1-3 = Simon's (later called Peter) - Became a fisher of men after this
    How did Jesus later use this boat?
      Matthew 8:18 = To cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee

    Was Jesus trying to get away from the crowd of people?
      Matthew 8:28-29 = No, He had plans to drive out demons and to teach today's lesson
    How did Jesus show His power over Satan's demons?
      Luke 8:30-33 = Sent the legion of demons into a large herd of unclean pigs
    How welcome was Jesus in this region after showing this great power?
      Luke 8:34-37 = The pig owners were very upset, impressed people asked Him to leave
    Why did Jesus make this special trip across the lake just to heal this man?
      Mark 5:18-20 = Word of Jesus spread through this region just with this short incident

    Are we sure Jesus wasn't just trying to get away from the crowds?
      Mark 5:21 = He returned to a crowd rather than a secluded spot
    Why would Jesus sometimes leave crowds that wanted Him to stay?
      Luke 4:42-43 = There were too many others who needed Him to stay in one place

Stormy Weather (Matthew 8:24)
    What indications do we get from Mark that Jesus had specific reasons for crossing the lake?
      Mark 4:35-36 = They went just as He was and there were other boats with them
    How did Jesus pass the time while sailing across the lake? = Only mention of Jesus sleeping
      Luke 8:23 = Jesus went to sleep to rest from His exhaustive work
    How strong was this storm? = Greek word is seismos - also used for earthquake
      Mark 4:37 = Furious, waves broke over the boat; kaluptesthai - boat hidden by waves

    Sea of Galilee - Actually a lake, 13 miles N-S, 8 miles E-W, 150 ft deep, 680 ft below sea level
      Not uncommon for normally calm waters to suddenly turn violent from strong storms
      The unique location of hills & valleys channel & compress storms & winds like a funnel
      Such storms can last for days and create waves up to 20 feet tall
    Dr W. M. Christie tells:
      A company of visitors were standing on the shore of Tiberias, and, noting the glassy surface of the water and the smallness of the lake, they expressed doubts as to the possibility of such storms as those described in the gospels. Almost immediately the wind sprang up. In twenty minutes the sea was white with foam-crested waves. Great billows broke over the towers at the corners of the city walls, and the visitors were compelled to seek shelter from the blinding spray, though now two hundred yards from the lakeside.

    What effect did this seismos have on Jesus?
      Matthew 8:23-24 = None, He kept sleeping
    Why wasn't Jesus concerned about the great danger from this storm?
      Luke 8:22 = It was His (God's) plan to go to the other side for a purpose
      Psalm 4:8 = He could sleep in peace trusting the Father for safety

Experienced Sailors (Matthew 8:25)
    How acquainted were the disciples with sailing this boat on this lake?
      Mark 1:16-20 = Simon, Andrew, James, John lived fishing from this boat on this lake
    How did these skillful sailors react to this violent storm?
      Matthew 8:25 = They were scared for their lives and asked Jesus to save them
    How did the disciples feel about Jesus not getting up on His own and taking care of them?
      Mark 4:38 = They wondered if He really cared about them

The Master Cares (Matthew 8:26)
    How did Jesus show them that while the storm didn't bother Him, He cared for their fears?
      Luke 8:24 = He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters
    How much rebuking and yelling did Jesus have to do to get the wind and waves calm?
      Mark 4:39 = Said "Quiet!" to the wind and "Be still!" to the waves
    How could Jesus make the sea completely calm with just a few words?
      John 1:1-3 = Jesus is the Word of God, everything was created with and through Him
    How was the sea created in the first place? = Psalm 89:9 - You still the surging sea
      Genesis 1:9-10 = The sea itself was made with the simple spoken word of God

Fear Insurance (Matthew 8:26)
    Was Jesus upset that they had awakened Him with their fears?
      Mark 4:40 = No, but He was upset that they were afraid in the 1st place - lack of faith
    How does fear of the storm show that the disciples had weak faith?
      John 14:1 = They were troubled and didn't fully trust God and Jesus
    Were the disciples wrong to bring their fears to Jesus?
      Psalm 56:3 = No - When I am afraid, I will trust in You.
    What should the disciples have done differently?
      Isaiah 12:2a = If we fully trust in God and Jesus, we won't become troubled and afraid

The Lesson (Matthew 8:27)
    What did the disciples think about what they had just seen?
      Matthew 8:27 = They were amazed at Jesus power
    How does Mark describe their response?
      Mark 4:41 = They were terrified
    Does Luke make it clearer whether they were in fear or amazed at what they had seen?
      Luke 8:25 = They were both afraid and amazed

    Why had Jesus allowed the disciples to go through all this stress just to learn this lesson?
      Hebrews 12:11 = Tough lessons may not be enjoyable, but they bring growth
    Did Jesus want them to go through all of this fear? = Their fear showed them their lack of faith
      Mark 5:36 = No, He only wanted them to believe
    What should we remember whenever we encounter great storms in life?
      Romans 8:28 = In all things God works for the good of those who love Him

Our Sailing Partner (Mark 4:35-36)
    What is our situation before we put our trust in Jesus?
      Ephesians 2:1 = Eternally dead in our sins
    What invitation do we have?
      Mark 4:35b = An invitation to go over to the other side
    What is waiting for us when we cross over to the other side?
      John 5:24 = Eternal life

    Do we have to make this journey alone?
      Mark 4:36 = No, Jesus is in our boat and other Christians are with us
    What is the boat where we can find Jesus?
      Jesus is in the Boat of the Heart - Colossians 1:27; 1 John 4:4
      Jesus is in the Boat of the Church - Psalm 46:5; Revelation 2:1; Deuteronomy 23:14
      Jesus is in the Boat of the Scriptures - John 5:39
      Jesus is in the Boat of Providence - Romans 8:28; Matthew 28:18

The Sea of Life (1 Peter 5:7)
    Since Jesus is with us, will our journey be smooth and calm?
      Matthew 24:6 = No, there will be wars and rumors of war
    Will our journey at least be smoother than that of non-Christians?
      Acts 9:16 = No, we will suffer for His name
    Why would a Christian have more difficulties than a non-Christian?
      1 Peter 5:8-9 = Because Satan has to put more effort into us

    When we encounter storms on life's seas, does that mean Jesus has left us?
      Deuteronomy 31:6 = No, He will never leave us
    Knowing that Jesus is always with us, what might we think when we're caught in a storm?
      Psalm 44:23-24 = That Jesus is asleep and doesn't care
    What should we remember when we feel Jesus is coming to our rescue too slowly?
      2 Peter 3:9 = He is not slow, He is patient and wants us to repent, not perish

    What should we do as soon as we see a storm brewing and begin to fear?
      1 Peter 5:7 = Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you
    How are we helped through storms when we cast our anxieties on Him?
      2 Thessalonians 3:16 = The Lord of peace will give us peace at all times and in every way
    How can a little peace get us through the furious storms we encounter in life?
      Philippians 4:7 = It's not just a little peace, it's the peace that goes beyond our understanding

Closing Prayer

Copyright © 1998 by Kurt Rosenhagen

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