Teacher Notes

Bible Stories for Adults

Jesus Sends Out 70 Disciples

Luke 10:1-24

Welcome and Announcements
    Next Week - The Widow's Offering (Mark 12:41-44)
    Bible Words to Remember:
      Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Opening Prayer

Reaction to Jesus' Death (Luke 24:17-21)
    How did the people who had followed Jesus feel after He died?
      Luke 23:46, 48 = They beat their breasts (a sign of great distress) and walked away
    Were they distressed because one they loved had died? = After 3 days one was fully dead
      Luke 24:17-21 = They had hoped He was the one who was going to redeem Israel
    Had they lost their hope because they didn't know Jesus was going to rise from the dead?
      Matthew 16:21 = Jesus had explained it, but they didn't hear, understand or remember

Reaction to Jesus' Resurrection (Mark 16:9-14)
    Did they remember what Jesus had explained to them when they heard that Jesus had risen?
      Mark 16:9-11 = They didn't believe it - Luke 24:11 says words were like nonsense
    Did they remember when they heard the witness from men instead of women?
      Mark 16:12-13 = No, they still didn't believe
    How did Jesus feel about their lack of faith and trust in Him and His Word?
      Mark 16:14 - He scolded them for not believing when He saw them Easter evening

Preparing the Disciples (Mark 16:15-20)
    Why would Jesus be so upset that they had not remembered and trusted His words?
      Mark 16:15 = They would be responsible for bringing the gospel to the world
    Why was it so important that the disciples understood and trusted in Jesus' good news?
      Mark 16:16 = It meant the difference between salvation and damnation for all
    How would they know if they correctly understood and believed?
      Mark 16:17-18 = They would be given great powers of faith

    Why was Jesus so concerned about preparing these disciples if He was alive again?
      Mark 16:19 = He left them to be with His Father
    Did the disciples fulfill their calling to take the good news (gospel) to the world?
      Mark 16:20 = Yes, they went out and preached everywhere
    How could the Lord work with them and confirm His word by signs after He had ascended?
      Acts 1:4, 8 = He sent His Spirit to work with them and to give them power

Prior Experience (Luke 9:1-6)
    Had any of Jesus' disciples had any prior experience preaching & doing miracles without Jesus?
      Luke 9:1-2 = The 12 apostles had been given power and sent throughout Galilee
    How had Jesus taught them to trust Him to provide whatever they would need in this effort?
      Luke 9:3 = They were to take nothing with them, rely entirely on God to provide
    Without money or credit cards, how would they find food and lodging? = Jehovah Jireh
      Luke 9:4 = God would lead them to a house where they'd stay and be provided for
    What if they went to a town where no one would take them in?
      Luke 9:5 = They were to reject it as they had been rejected
    How did things turn out for the Twelve during this prior experience?
      Luke 9:6, 10 = Preached and healed from village to village as told, then reported back

Messengers to Samaria (Luke 9:51-56)
    Were there any restrictions where the Twelve were to go?
      Matthew 10:5-6 = Only to the lost sheep of Israel - no Samaritans or Gentiles
    Did this imply that Jesus did not come to save Samaritans or Gentiles?
      Luke 9:51-52 = No, He later sent messengers to prepare for Him ministering in Samaria
    Did these messengers have the same success bringing God's good news to others?
      Luke 9:53 = No, they were rejected because they were Jews heading to Jerusalem
    Did the messengers and disciples shake this town's dust off their feet as a testimony against it?
      Luke 9:54-56 = They wanted to take more severe actions since these were Samaritans
    Where would the Sons of Thunder get an idea like calling down fire from heaven on Samaritans?
      2 Kings 1:9-12 = Elijah called down fire on 100 soldiers of Ahaziah, king of Israel

Seventy Others (Luke 10:1)
    Were any others lucky enough to be called & empowered for a mission of taking Jesus' gospel?
      Luke 10:1 = Jesus called seventy others and sent them 2-by-2 to Judean towns
    How might Jews understand the calling and empowering of 70 workers?
      Numbers 11:16-17, 24-25 = Moses selected 70, God empowered them with His Spirit
    Why might some versions of Luke say 72?
      Numbers 11:26 = There may have been 72 that were called and empowered by God
    What group of 70 did Jesus encounter that took its calling from this group that helped Moses?
      Mark 15:1 = The Sanhedrin

    What other Old Testament reference to 70 also fits why Jesus may have selected seventy?
      Genesis 10:1, 32 = Chapter lists what the Jews knew as the 70 nations of the world
    Jesus did not restrict the 70 from witnessing to Gentiles or Samaritans. Was this on purpose?
      Luke 10:7-8 = Stay in house, do not move, eat what is set before you - even Gentile

    Why might Jesus have sent the 70 two-by-two? Couldn't they make more ground individually?
      Deuteronomy 19:15 = At least two witnesses must agree for something to be accepted
    Should we remember this when bringing the good news to others? = We need His presence
      Matthew 18:19-20 = Where 2 or 3 come together in My name, there I am with them

Important and Urgent but Difficult (Luke 10:2-4)
    How did Jesus point out to the 70 that the task was important?
      Luke 10:2 = Harvest is plentiful, but workers are few. Workers ask for more workers
    How did Jesus point out to the 70 that the task was dangerous?
      Luke 10:3 = I am sending you out like lambs among wolves!
    How could they hope to accomplish their task as lambs among wolves? = Trust in His care
      John 10:11-15 = I am the Good Shepherd ... and I lay down My life for the sheep
    How did Jesus point out to the 70 that the task was urgent?
      Luke 10:4 = Similar to instructions to 12, don't even take time to greet anyone
    Why did Jesus make them worry about food, clothing & shelter on an important & urgent task?
      Matthew 6:25-34 = They were not to worry, but trust the Lord to provide

Look for the Welcome Mat (Luke 10:5-8)
    How would the Lord provide the essentials of life for these men? = No moving for better deals
      Luke 10:5-7 = Righteous men of peace would welcome them and provide for them
    Why did Jesus say a worker deserves his wages? Called workers shouldn't worry about pay.
      1 Corinthians 9:7-11, 14 = They should be paid to keep from worrying about pay

    What risk would there be for a Jew taking free room and board at a stranger's house?
      Leviticus 11:46-47 = Jews had lots of food regulations. Couldn't be sure it was clean
    How did Jesus tell them to handle this situation?
      Luke 10:8 = eat what is set before you
    How did Paul later explain this to the Corinthians?
      1 Corinthians 8:7-8; 10:27 = Food will not make us clean or unclean before God

Handling Rejection (Luke 10:9-14)
    What were the workers to do in a town where they found a welcome mat?
      Luke 10:9 = Preach and do miracles
    What were the workers to do in a town where there was no welcome mat to be found?
      Luke 10:10-11 = Rebuke them and don't even let any of their dust stay with you
    What example did Jesus provide to show how such towns should be considered?
      Luke 10:12 = Even Sodom, the worst known to man, will be better off

    Was Jesus referring to towns that he would never visit because of their rejection?
      Luke 10:13-14 = Any town that did not receive and believe
    Bethsaida - Home of Peter, Andrew, Philip (John 1:44); On Sea of Galilee near Capernaum
      Jesus preached & healed there (Mark 8:22-26, Luke 9:10-17)
    Korazin - 2.5 miles north of Capernaum; Not mentioned anywhere else in Bible
      Barclay - It is implied that Jesus did many mighty works there...it is never even mentioned.
        We do not know one thing that Jesus did or one word that He spoke there.
        Nothing could show so vividly how much we do not know about the life of Jesus.
        The gospels are not biographies; they are only sketches of His life (John 21:25).
    Tyre and Sidon - Gentile cities considered pagan by Jews, Elijah resurrected widow's son there
      Jezebel was daughter of king of Sidon and brought Baal worship to Israel (1K 16:31-32)

Who is Being Rejected? (Luke 10:15-16)
    Were such towns at risk of judgment because Jesus hadn't spent enough time there?
      Luke 10:15 = Even Capernaum, Jesus' home base, had not accepted him to their merit
    If a worker couldn't find a welcome mat in a town, could he just not be looking good enough?
      Luke 10:16 = No, he is only the messenger. The message was accepted or rejected
    Could it be that the town just didn't like the worker but could have accepted the message?
      Matthew 25:40, 45 = To accept or reject even the least worker is like doing so to Him
    As called workers of Jesus, what should we remember?
      2 Corinthians 5:20 = We are Christ's ambassadors, God makes His appeal through us

Results (Luke 10:17-20)
    How effective were these 70 workers in the harvest field?
      Luke 10:17 = They were amazed at the success and power they had
    Couldn't anyone exorcise demons just by the power of Jesus' name?
      Acts 19:13-16 = No, demons overpowered those who used Jesus' name without faith
    Did this surprise Jesus?
      Luke 10:18-19 = No, He saw it as another battle won against Satan and his forces
    Was this the most important thing the workers should get out of their experiences?
      Luke 10:20 = Nothing can be more important than having a place waiting in heaven
      Some refs on Book of Life: Ex 32:32-33; Ps 69:28; Dan 12:1; Mal 3:16; Rev 20:12-15

Jesus' Response (Luke 10:21-24)
    How did Jesus respond to hearing the experiences of the 70?
      Luke 10:21-22 = He praised the Father for revealing his eternal secrets to them
    Did the disciples understand that they were the first to be learning God's hidden secrets?
      Luke 10:23-24 = Jesus told them
    Didn't Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah and others understand these truths?
      1 Peter 1:10-12 = They and angels wanted to understand but couldn't - they trusted

Closing Prayer

Copyright © 1998 by Kurt Rosenhagen

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