The studies available on this Bible Stories for Adults web-site were developed by researching questions that arose during study of the Scriptures. Many Christians who make use of these studies have encountered other questions during their studies and submitted them. This page lists many of these questions and the answers that were returned to the student.
For quick access to specific questions and their answers, simply click on the question below:
If you hit "Back" on your browser, you can then select "Notes" to get the Teacher Notes for the study. The "List" that is offered allows you to easily make reading slips which you can pass out to a class you may be teaching.
Weddings are also a special opportunity to share the gospel with non-Christian witnesses. The couple's commitment to Christ should be evident in the ceremony and His Word should be shared to allow the Spirit to work on the hearts on those in attendance.
Story Highlights - This is the normal approach that is taken to
introduce the Bible to children. I have found it works well for adults
also. The Bible Stories for Adults curriculum is the only study I have
found with this approach. This will introduce you to all of the key
stories in the Bible which other Christians think they know, and you
will learn alot about your faith in the process.
Two Year Overviews - These are leader-led studies which I highly
recommend. They are not just classes where you sit and listen to a
lecture for an hour each week. They typically involve a two-hour weekly
class and a few hours of weekly homework (you can get by with less, but
you get more with greater commitment). My favorites are Crossways and
the Bethel Series. Crossways walks you through the Bible and explains
what you read. Bethel also walks you through the Bible, but focuses
instead on the themes God presents. Both have their place and I
recommend both.
Through-the-Bible Devotionals - These give you Bible text to read
every day that will get you through the whole Bible within one or two
years. They also provide a devotional reading and prayer suggestions
pertaining to the text you read. Some are available as books and others
as monthly mailings. Bible Pathways is probably the most popular - and
it is very good. I prefer Today's Light from Concordia Publishing. It
is easier to read and more pertinent. Today's Light also takes a
two-year pace while Bible Pathways takes a on-year pace.
For a more extensive look into Messianic prophesies, I have a number of
books which I would recommend, such as "What the Bible Teaches About the
Promised Messiah" by Dr. James Smith and "All the Messianic Prophesies
of the Bible" by Herbert Lockyer.