Words of Thanks |
Love your study God bless you and keep keep up the good work Thanks for sharing I just found this sight (in Nebraska). I can not comment yet, but it looks great. Look forward to the studies. Thank you. Thank-you and may God bless you. Good format Thank you and may God continue to bless you and the ministry richly. In Jesus' Mighty Name. Looks good so far. Can't wait to look at everything it has to offer. This is great!!! Thanks!! Thank you for supplying such an opportunity Just starting to study in-depth. Thank you for putting this here for people to use. God's Awesome Please send me everything. Thank you Thank you for answering my E-Mail from last night. Now I can continue with the studies. May God Bless you and yours Glad to find some great resource Thank you for including me. Thank you for this info. Thanks!!! God bless you for this site Thanks, I have enjoyed your site. God bless you My friend Jackie and I really enjoy this website! Just what I needed, thank you. Your web site is EXCELLENT This is a GREAT website. Thanks so much. I know this will help a lot with my individual study as well as with others. Keep up the GREAT work. Excellent Site I found this site today and am excited. Thanks I enjoyed my visit to your Christian home on the net. The Lord is alive and well in this house. Your sharing the Word is a Blessing. I Pray the Lord's Rich Blessings for you as you go through the New Year sharing the wonderful news of The Saving Life Of Christ, and that the Lord leads you always in His way always to walk in His footprints and to all that look upon you that they see not you but Jesus living in you. Thanks Thank you, I've been looking for something like this for a very long time. Great! I really enjoyed the studies on the parables. Thank you! God Bless! Very informative studies. May the God of heaven continue to richly bless you and may you and your family and ministry be blessed and highly favored! Thanks Kurt. God bless. Thanx for all of your work. May you have a blessed holiday season. Thank you for the free studies. I need help a lot of times with the understanding of THE GOOD BOOK. I realize that God will also help me to understand more each time I read. Thank you for the free study. Very Helpful Thank You Thank you. Thank you for making these study tools available! First time trying your net, will comment later after use I really enjoyed The Parables. Looks good. Thanks. Good I am Korean (S). I am glad to visit your homepage. Thank you. Good Really enjoy these Hey - this is a nice resource! You obviously put in hours of prep. May God be glorified through the teaching and preaching of His word! Thanks for sharing These are great study guides Thanks a lot... Thank you Thank you for your great site. We hope to spend more time on it in the near future. Thanks Kurt, for the info..... Thanks so much for the update... I enjoy your site... it is a "blessing"... Thanks, I really appreciate this service. Thanks again Kurt for the Bible studies that I received over the Internet this morning. Keep up the good work. Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Great Bible studies Loved hearing from you and hope to hear from you again soon. Thank you for emailing me back. My wife and I love salvation from the Lord and look for all we can find on the Bible. Looks great. What a great Christian site!!! Praise God for your efforts. Be ye blessed of the Lord. Brilliant!!! May God richly bless you. Psalms 20 v 4 is from me 2U. Glad to be a part of this study I love these Bible stories. I believe that the Lord is going to lead you by His Spirit for you to write more. Thank you Thank you very much. It will help me so much. God bless. Great and useful site I love your class Kurt! Keep up the Good work!! Just signing in to let you know I get your messages of updates. Thanks. We want to thank you for this Ministry. God Bless you!! I like this site! Thank You! God Bless You. Praise the Lord for your work! Thanks for your help. Thanks. Thanks for your response. :) This web-site is truly a blessing to me. I have not been to Bible Study or Sunday School in years and this is exactly what I needed. I am able to regain and refresh my knowledge in the Bible and I will definitely visit again. Your steadfastness and purpose shows that Christ abides in you..... Thank you my brother in Christ Most excellent I've used several of your Old Testament studies and find them to be most thorough and interesting. I also like the idea that applications to Christians today are left to the teacher. I have never seen anything more simpler nor more straightforward and yet so thorough. Thank you for your work! Thanks Very helpful. Thanks. This sound great! Blessed you. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about HIM. Hope we can meet. "A friend owes kindness to one in despair... " Job 6:14 Thanks again for the wonderful Bible Studies over the Internet. They keep me very busy studying the Bible everyday and at night too. Have a wonderful day and may God bless you and keep you. Great site May the Lord bless you all for putting "good clean stuff" on the net. Good morning Kurt...Thank you for the quick response. I am blessed by just now finding your site...I was thrilled and praised God for you...Yes you may use any comments I say to bless others...I thank God that we have access to this free materials. Oh that we may be able to fully equip the saints! (That's my inner most prayer) Will stand watch for you in prayer and for up dated materials. Just found U...Love it! I love your site I have printed out some of your information and I like what I see so far. Keep praising God. Very good Thanks sooo much... Thanks God Bless and keep you studying. Thank you for the latest update on available Bible Stories -- I think you are doing a service for the Christian community. May God continue to bless and use you. God Bless You....for your hard work and faithfulness. Keep up the good work, dear Kurt. Thanks Have enjoyed reading through your information provided. Thank you! Looks great This site will be of great help to Christians out there. This is awesome! Thank you for the info. You sent it along to me at just the right time. This is so very educational and interesting & enlightening. This is a tremendous idea. God bless you and keep up His good work, for great is your reward in heaven! I enjoyed my visit and as I am also a teacher for the Lord I will be using your site too. Excellent Kurt, Again thank you for your continued efforts; you are a deacon in His service. Thank you. I really enjoy reading these studies. Kurt... Hey Buddy!!! I want to say keep up the good work and keep sending me more information about the Bible and your studies as well. God Bless. Best!!! Praise the Lord for this website. Thank you for giving me more of and opportunity to study God's word. I am having to take care of a sick mother and this helps me to learn more about Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! God bless... I think this site has done quite well and I really appreciate it. Keep on!! I'll check it from time to time. My first time here and I am excited to find you. Finally, a Bible study which asks me to read it for myself! I have looked for this type of study for a long time. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am specifically interested in Bible stories and interpretation for today's life. Thank you!! Keep up the good work, Kurt, and thank you for being my savior with these studies. They are very interesting to me to study everyday. Thank you! Thanks, God! Your site is excellent. Great material. Thank you so much for all your efforts. Thanks a bunch!!!!! Very good, very well taught. I will use them for our Bible Study. They are thorough and clear. Praise the Lord for you. Thank you. Very, very goooooooood. |
Thank God for people like you who further the knowledge of his kingdom.
Thank GOD for this sight. Just what we have been looking for. So far, I found this site very interesting. Thank you for this site. I have been looking for something like this and I know God sent me here. God bless you. Thank you for your e-mail about updates. I hope to find alot of help through study with your site. Thank you for having it free and on the web. Great Resource! Unless you email me not to, I will add a link from our church site. God bless your ministry. Lord, I thank you. Thank you for this resource. Thanks and God Bless. THANKS!!!!!! Thank you kindly, and the Lord bless you. Thanks!! Just found out. Looking forward to becoming a regular. Thanks for the service you are providing. Thanks for the update. Your Bible studies are terrific. What a wonderful service you perform for Our Lord! God bless you! This looks like a good study. I would like to get started with it. I have been through your site and it is a great ministry. Also something to do when you are in a pinch! Thanks. You do a great job. Thanks, God! Thank you for your continued hard and FAITHFUL work. This is a really good study of God's word. Thank you. Very interested! Thank you so very much. These types of sites are needed. Thank You, God Bless Thank you for allowing your information to be used. Not very many sites are as detailed and informative, especially to those of us who are hungry for such good information. May God bless you. I lost this on my favorite places and I'm delighted to be back. Keep up the good work I want to thank you so much... God bless you for all that you do in His Name. Thank you! Here is to confirm that I've got the message. Pls keep in touch. Kurt - I appreciate your Bible Studies, they really help me out with material for my Adult Bible Class. God's blessing to you. Thank you once again for allowing God to use you to be a blessing to so many people in so many places. Remember each one who comes in contact with these lessons and are brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ will be accounted to you as well as to others as part of your fruit. I think that your Bible stories are wonderful. I have enjoyed looking at your site and have found the Bible studies useful. Thank you so much for keeping abreast as to the works of the Lord. I have just recently been able to get to my email and I thank you once again. Thank you. I'm glad you are teaching the Bible. Happy to have found another site that would help me in my Christian growth! Praise the Lord! Liked the few that I read. Very good. Kurt: I acknowledge receipt of your message and thank you for your work in the Internet ministry. God's hand is moving in this great country of ours and I praise Him for individuals such as yourself who endeavor to utilize current technology to reach the lives of others. Gods Bless and thank you again. They're great! I've used them and have grown in His word. Thank you for this excellent material. Awesome... Love doing studies.... Good. I love these Bible studies. Looks like a great study plan you have written. Just thought we would give this a try. Thanks for having it available. This is such a great and resourceful site, keep up the good work. I have been enjoying your web site. Please continue to E-Mail me. Am really glad to have found this. It gives me a chance to study during my lunch, which helps to clear my mind, so that when I return to work, I am refreshed. I have been looking for a site just like this. Thank you and God Bless! I think your stuff is awesome! Thank you so much. This page has been a blessing. God bless you and your work. These are very powerful studies. I am grateful and consider it a privilege to be able to study your material. Thank you very much. Please keep me posted on the updates. Great job, especially the teacher notes. Just Interested. I Like it. Very interesting and informative. Your Bible stories have helped me so much. It is always good when we can share God's Word with someone else. Excellent resource. Thanks for your great effort. Thanks Kurt! The Lord bless you real good! This is great. Is the Bible on CD Rom? Thanks for the update. Your material has been a great help for me in studying the word more. I am eagerly waiting for the completion of your work. Please advise me of the schedule you anticipate, so I can plan how to use your wonderful resource. Thank you and may the Lord bless you in your work to spread the Good News! What a great resource! I teach theology at a Catholic prep school in Erie, PA. Your resources are just great. Hi. I just wanted you to know, I found your adult Bible study pages so informative and helpful, I have linked to them from my church's study page. Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource!! Keep up the good work for the Lord. This is a great ministry that you have. Be encouraged. Creating a website to talk about Jesus is a wonderful idea. A wonderful discovery! This is great and really fills a gap for adults. Thank you so much! THANK YOU from Saudi Arabia, GOD Bless you. I'm a writer/storyteller. I love this website! Your web site is indeed a blessing from above. May God continue to bless you as you keep up the excellent work. Thanks for your resources. It has been a great help for me. This is great information to have for study group purposes. God Bless you. Thanks for your work. I think this is fantastic! Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your information, Your hard work is appreciated. I really appreciate your hard work, thank you for the updates I just wanted to let you know that your studies are very helpful. I have been using them for a while now. May God richly bless you for your work. Thank you. I always enjoy finding things like this. Have a Merry Christmas! I would like very much to check out these new studies. Dear brother, I appreciate your stewardship and good work in the Lord. I am inspired by your faith in Jesus who brings you strength. Persevere in the good work God has called you to. Hi Kurt: Thanks so much for your help. Your study has been very helpful. Thank you May God bless you and your class. I just wanted to express my appreciation for the material that you have posted on your web site. In particular, your study on the Tower of Babel was extremely valuable, with its contrast of the unity we have in Christ with the disunity that comes from human endeavors. While browsing the net I have stopped by your site. Must admit it is very impressive. Again, your site is Great ! Thanks for sharing the Word with us. We appreciate it very much. I really appreciate your notifying me with the studies. They are wonderful. Just wanted you to know. Thank you again. Thanks, hope things are going well with you. Enjoyed your ministry and your willingness to share His word. Thanks Kurt.! Thank you for the update...and God bless you for the service you are providing. Just a word of thanks for your faithfulness in sharing your Bible studies. God bless, Col. 3:23,24 Haven't explored fully but am always grateful for the resources made available through the efforts of other Christians. As a fellow flash.net user, it was neat to see your offering. God's best to you. God bless you. I am very grateful for your site. Thank you for updating me... Hi...thanks Kurt for the update! Have a nice night! Kurt, thanks for all your work on Bible Stories for Adults. You web site looks great. Brother Kurt, God Bless you, I love you. Kurt, Thanks for the new material. God bless you and your ministry and what you do for HIM! Hi. I am going through your Bible Studies and would just like you to know how helpful they are. Thank you and please keep them coming! God Bless you for this wonderful site! This is the best web page I ever read. Thanks and Please keep up the good work A wonderful source of thoughtful study. Thank you, and God Bless! I like your page and I will link it with my Home Page. Its great. Kurt, Great page! Thanks and may God Bless for all of your effort. I'm excited about this homepage. Thanks for the hard work to prepare it. Very useful I think the Bible Stories for Adults is great. Really enjoy what I have so far. Thank you!!! I thank you for taking the time to compose this very useful site to teachers and students alike. God bless you. I have used some of yours before, thank you for your great work. Thank you in advance Thanks for the resource. It's great. God Bless You for having this on-line! Great help! God Blesses Great WebSite. Praise the Lord. Kurt, terrific site! Thnx Thank you Thanks! God bless you. |
Ways Studies Are Used |
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am teaching a Bible study for University students in Brazil. Almost all of them know absolutely nothing about the Bible. I have lots of experience teaching children, but these are adults. I was so excited to find this resource! It will help me very much as I seek to show God's love to people who don't know Him. Thank you again!
Sunday school teacher for older adults/ with a limited education and not many readers and some non readers -- I have a Ph.D. but it is proving to be a challenge to teach the Bible. I sure wish I was like Jesus and could use parables so that the least of them would understand. I need all the help I can get. Thanks. Great study questions. I like to break the group into partners and use the questions. Thanks Want to grow spiritually!!! We are starting a young adult Bible study overseas and I'm looking for a starting point. Help! Thanks Baptist Bible Study class To spread the word effectively I want to have Bible studies to enrich my family and married life. I am interested in the stories of the Old Testament Sunday school teacher New believer (hungry for the Word) I want to understand the Bible better I am taking a course at Calvin College in the History and Theology of the Bible. I feel a confirmation into the ministry. Great site! I teach adult reading & writing, and 5/6 grade SS. Thanks! I lead Bible studies for small and large groups Will be printing off some of the Bible studies for personal use. I have enjoyed these studies and they enrich my spirit. I will try to share them with new converts to the Faith. I'd like to try this with my study group. I need this for my personal studies and for my classes. Looking for Sunday club / Sunday school resources I have no way to get to a Bible study at a Church and want to study and learn the Bible. About 30 yrs ago I took the Bethel Series Old Testament class and really learned the OT but never had the chance to finish with the NT, Psalms and Proverbs so want to really study since I no longer have to work outside the home. Sunday School Class of High School Students I am always looking for material for the retirement age Sunday School class I teach. Thank you for this site. I want to check out the study materials for my own personal Bible study. I hope to start sharing in a small group Bible study. Thanks. This is my first time to see your material. I am pastor of a small church and will use the studies in teaching and preaching. I like developing material through different avenues. My adult Bible class is involved in an eclectic study which could veer into different areas - sometimes topical. Having scripture as a basis to start from helps. It is always good to have a good lesson to keep us on track. We are in a small Lutheran congregation in Ramona, CA. Thanks for getting back to me. I look forward to your updates I was not raised in a religious home and have recently begun to attend church, seeking to learn about the Lord and welcome Him into my life. I attend the Bible study group on Wednesday evenings, but feel it is a little advanced for me because I don't know any of the stories. Please send anything you feel would be useful. Thank you. I am leading a topical study of how the Bible fits in today's times I'm teaching adult Sunday School at church. This material looks good. Thanks! Anything for teens, children's church that could be used as story telling aides The notes about the wise men are helping me to tell the story in schools here in England. Thank you. Thank you Kurt for the work you do for Christ. These lessons help me considerably when I'm looking for additional information or insight for my weekly Sunday School lesson. Great lesson on the Magi. If you have any other information or resource titles I would be interested if finding out more historical and background information on the Wise Men for my teaching and preaching. I'm currently studying literature, and wish to obtain some biblical background. I think these could be most beneficial to myself and possibly a lunch-time Bible study group I teach a Sunday School class of 30 adult, lead a small group study of 6 couples, and do personal studies. Any resource is greatly appreciated! Women's study I teach a Bible Study Study tool We are a Roman Catholic student organization at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, Ca. Any information on appropriate ministry would be greatly appreciated. I teach single adults at Baptist Church, Phoenix AZ Share with co-workers We have a Baptist church Bible study in our homes back and forth. So any good Christian sites for single and private studies, will be very grateful. Praise the Lord for Christian sites. Yours Truly In Jesus' Name. God Bless All. It's interesting to understand the question while I'm study the Bible Stories, God bless you. Hi Kurt, we have joined our new church here where we moved. As none of the Sunday School groups here seem to be detailed Bible studies, I naturally remembered your series and got out the card you gave me with your URL. We're glad you are still at it.
I am starting a new Bible study group at home, need help. I think it would be a lot of help since in Honduras is hard to find profound Bible studies. Just trying to enhance my biblical knowledge of the Bible. I will use the courses in two ways:
2) on occasion lead a small class I am writing from Mongolia, which exists between Russia and China. I am always glad when I get ''Bible Stories for Adults''. It's very useful for me and also for our home group. It helps us to study God's Word attentively. I think you do a great job for the children of our Father. In His name I encourage you. You are awesome!! I've even printed up your stuff for a man who teaches Bible Studies at the local jail. Thank you so much for your Bible Studies. Through this study, I have learned so much about our Lord and how He wants me to live. I have a daycare in our home and I so look forward to their nap time when I get the chance to read His Word and spend time with Jesus. Retirement coming soon and want to build up a background for teaching small groups. I would love to have personal study and continue growing with the Lord. I am a Sunday school teacher of adults. Walk closer to God We are just going to integrate them and feel they might be very useful for our small group study. Seminary student We are studying the book of Acts. Yes, I'm leading a small group and looking for good material. Thanks. Sunday school class averaging 80 in attendance. Thank you for your web site. I use your material in preparing the weekly Scripture lesson for the 5-6 yr olds in our Children's Church. I teach at-risk children. I have enjoyed all that I was able to read in the last half hour. Your site has given me so much information to help me in preparing and teaching my Children's Church class, to share with my co-worker and to strengthen me in my walk with the Lord. I thank God for all of your hard work and dedication to this website. I pray that you continue to bless many, many more who are seeking to walk a little closer to the Savior. I teach a Bible study at work. I am hoping this will help me with the Bible and to understand better the things God and Jesus has intended for us. Thank You and God. Bless one and all. Help for my Prairie studies Flood Story in Genesis For groups of 40 Looking for interest in a small Sunday School Class for adults to add to the lesson. Old Testament stories Thank you for the opportunity to use your study material for our home cell. I lead a small Bible study and am interested in what you have. I would like to share with the small group to learn more .. My wife and I are now printing out some of the Bible lessons and work with them in the evenings. We find this very spiritually rewarding and uplifting. Need it for Bible study For High School Sunday School I am interested in a Bible study for college aged students Interested in materials for teaching Sunday school lessons Looking for Weekly Bible Study sessions geared for ages 20 - 35 that deal with today's issues with Biblical messages: Relationship building, friendship building, families, activities within the church, volunteering possibilities, etc. I am teaching a women's accountability / Bible Study group at my college and would sure love to check out some of your stuff! Thanks! We are in a small group and teaching a high school class Will help me in doing study at church. Thank you; your site has helped me prepare to facilitate our Sunday class on Genesis 11. I really enjoyed the layout and organization of the pages. I will continue to use the site in the weeks to come. Many thanks for the work! I plan on using these for studies in our cluster & small groups. For personal study in the Word. |
To guide us in teaching and knowing more about our Lord Jesus Christ and also for the new converts. Thank you and God bless you for your web site.
These Bible studies are wonderful we are using the ones on Abraham in our Bible study at church on Wednesday. I wanted to know more on Abraham as we have been studying characters of the Bible. I wrote Abram in Bible and pressed search and found this wonderful place. Thank you so much for them and allowing us to use them. Our church is small, only about 15 for Bible study. We plan to use more of them. Again, thank you and God bless you. I'm searching for a devotional I can present to my church board. Thank you for any help.
If there isn't a specific topic you would like to present, I might suggest portions of the study entitled "The Word of God". You can access it directly from the main page of Bible Stories for Adults: Please send me the stories ASAP. I'm planning to hold a weekly Bible study meeting for adults in mid 30s.
This site and page look great. I plan to use it when I am called on to teach an Adult Bible Class. I am a Sunday School teacher and will use these to help me study and prepare for my lessons. Youth Pastor in Michigan looking for additional resources for class. Thanks, and God Bless. This is for Homeschool. I plan to use this material to teach my Vacation Bible School students this week. I am interested in single and divorced women's group studies. Old Testament course Sunday School class Women's Bible Studies I have received your message and thank you for your studies. They are very well done. I have reviewed only one of them, but they seem to be very well thought out. I plan to teach a study to singles and need some material to work with. This is a God send. Your efforts are to be commended. I will review more of them and give you comments and suggestions. Thanks again for your efforts. Bye ... Old Testament Studies This is a very impressive page, and as I am unable to attend church due to my health, it will be a large part of my study time. Have just started a small group (men's) Bible study, and have been very pleased with the initial reaction to a slightly cut down version of your notes. Thank you! I'm the college/career advisor at Central Christian Church and I am always looking for new studies..... I would like to thank you for keeping me abreast of the new studies that have been released. I will be using these studies on a regular basis to head up a Bible Study group in my home which consists of entire families. Seniors ministry. I am a Bible College student, Sunday School teacher, and a Christian School teacher...so these lessons can be helpful to my ministry. We have a study group on Fridays. We are studying Matthew. I just found your site as I was doing research for the Passion Week study of Philip Yancey's "The Jesus I Never Knew". Your site will make great reference material for my study. We meet most Sunday mornings for a time of fellowship and worship and Bible study. We have limited researches here in the Canary islands that are printed in English and would greatly value other material to strengthen our discussions. Trying to learn more about the Bible for study groups. Part of ministry team of a large Baptist Church in Northampton, England. I'm interested in a personal Bible study for myself as well as planning to create puzzles of the Bible. Trying to find some helpful tools in studying the word while in college. Have really enjoyed incorporating the Bible Studies you offer on your site, into my own personal studies. I study the Bible My wife and I teach a class of 15 senior teens Sunday School at a Baptist church, This study looks great....Thanks. I need the story of Gideon for a school report.
Hi Kurt. I have been using the studies on Tuesdays for our Women's meetings, they are really a great blessing. And the ladies are enjoying doing them. They help to make the study so much better for me. The teachers helps are really great. We are starting a new small group for our church. We can use any information or studies you can provide. I have been called to lead certain Bible studies at college. I was wondering if you could be of any help? I'm also looking for a daily, personal devotion to strengthen my Christian walk! I would like to use your help with my adult men's Sunday School Class. Thank You. Thank you for keeping me updated. This week I am presenting the history of the church and next week, Judy (my wife) is doing salvation. I am sure she will be able to use this information. Thanks for your adult Bible lessons on the net. We use them at our high school as part of one of our Bible courses. Continue your good work.
I would love to hear any feedback you or any of your teachers or students have on the materials, the studies, or any specific content. I would also like to know if there are certain studies not currently on the web-site that would be helpful to your efforts. (Many other studies exist which have not yet been converted to html.) Greetings, Just wanted to say that I have just found your Bible Study material. I am looking forward to finding out more about the material as I study. God bless. I'm in charge of a women's study group. It is a small group study. Thanks For suggestions in writing a paper on Jesus and the apostles I enjoy this very much. We are going thru Gen. in Bible study right now at church and this helps. Hi Kurt. I plan to introduce your web site to our church. God's Blessings. Material for use in Cell Group. Christian Counselor Excellent Material. I've been out of seminary for 20 years and it is wonderful to study the material again I use your notes to augment my published Sunday school literature. Thanks for your work! Could you please remove me from your mailing list. I got a new email address and I will sign up under that one thanks. My husband and I really enjoy doing your Bible Studies. I just got here. I've just inherited a Sunday School class of about 8 adults and I'm looking for ideas. I'm also interested in any help in finding study series for Men' groups or Bible Study; thanks I am a second year Bible student interested in pure principles and doctrine. I've found this page to be quite a blessing. Thank you and God bless you. I feel like I've been "thrown" into this class. I love it, as well, as the students. I really don't "feel" qualified to teach, but I am obedient. Thanks for all your help. Looking forward to starting a small group in September. Will the reading lists be done soon? Please keep me updated of all additions on this page. It is a wonderful resource. Thank you so much for posting this curriculum.
Regarding the reading lists, I have not been trying to update them as much as the studies themselves. This is because I have noticed a very low demand for them. I have the lists done for all of the studies and simply need to convert them to html. I will be happy to prioritize getting the reading lists put on the web-site. Are there certain ones you would like me to do first? Love your page! I plan to use it daily. Thanks. Young adults Discussions at work You may be interested in how your efforts are being used. On Thursday mornings, I teach a Bible class to a group of young mothers who are bright, inquisitive, and full of desire to know God's Word. We have been going at it for several months now, but have just started what I call a survey of the Bible. The intent was to pull God's salvation story into a cohesive unit for them. Each session goes for 2 hours and can veer into many directions. Each week, I have found my research must be thorough and accurate. Your good work has helped me in that. Just a note about us. We are an independent Bible church of about 500 members in a North Central Wyoming farming community called Worland. Our heritage is Lutheran, or ancestory is Russian-German, and our theology is conservative. This year we are celebrating our 75th anniversary. We are a very mission minded church, last year sending 22 of our members (including myself) on mission from 10 days to 1 year. We also support 14 missionaries partially and fully and serve 22 nations in all. About 35% of our annual budget goes beyond our walls into the field. I am the Senior Pastor here and have 1 full time associate and a part time associate. |
Personal Comments |
I am new at reading the Bible, any suggestions would be appreciated.
I love the Lord and His word will set me free. I'm new at this I love the Lord and yes, I have read the Bible. I usually read the Bible once or twice a year. I've fallen and I CAN get up! With Christ! Time is short I just want to live His way First visit to this site Looking forward to the fellowship I am still very unfamiliar with teachings of the Bible None at this time! I have been for the longest time trying to come to Jesus, something always pops up to stop me, how can I deal with getting over all my worries and reaching Christ. None at the moment Hi Looking forward to the studies The more we know about the Bible the better Let us praise the Lord this year! I have a lot of growing to do I love swej (Jews backwards) Let's pray No comment at this time I am very interesting in study for the ministry of God words I need a copy of contant Bible Knowing more about God is my goal I am a beginner I would love to join your study as I am a Bible Institute student at my church. I would like to receive different insights from the program and also want to know more about the topics available. First time doing a small group Bible study, but it is pretty cool. I am requesting this for my grandmother (that is the e-mail I gave you) as she is new to this Internet thing. Would like to get more information on the Bible. Just getting started.......... I have really enjoy your web site. Praise God for people like you. The Lord has placed in my heart the need for our church to minister to new Christians in a Bible study. I know John is basically the best place to begin but I would really appreciate your input into a study for beginning Christians to lead them into knowledge and a Christian life. I belong to Crosswinds Church. It started about ten years ago with 35 dedicated persons and has grown to a congregation of over 2000. We recently raised two million and bought 27 acres and will be building a new church in about two years. Crosswinds in part of Willow Creek and we use the NIV Bible. It is such a joy to be a part of such a large and growing church that is able to offer so many opportunities to serve God. I work in Deaf Ministry I love the Bible in an Islamic country. Thanks for keeping me informed. I regret to say that this is my last day at my job and therefore I will no longer be online. Please remove me from the list. Hopefully my next job will have internet access and I can get back online. All you can know about the Bible is a great hobby one can have, don't you think? I received your e-mail. I was happy with its attention, because the larger objective is to learn the word of God for construction of His kingdom. We will maintain new contacts shortly. Looking forward to trying your studies. I am a new minister and it is my desire to study to show myself approval unto God a workman that need not to be ashamed. |
I am from Brazil. We are a gospel group. I want study on the passion, God's plan of Salvation.
I need to find some good Bible studies. This is my first time looking on the web. I love learning more about God's word. After reading your work from the web, I felt very relieved. I thing you are doing a great job for enlightening me with the word of God. I'm also looking for a home cell group in the Humble (Tx) area. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and God bless. I pray that you have a Bible Study for me. Thank you. My e-mail is down the server is upgrading for this day. Ready to begin!!!!! Look forward to sharing I really want to understand the word of God so I can reach others for Christ. I can't wait! I love God! Just interested in some knowledge and devotions! :) I just received your notice of the new studies. I will begin to read them more carefully as I will begin to use them. You must have spent a great deal of time developing these. I will be in touch. I am just browsing. I am still a new Christian and am trying to find ways to understand and grow in the Lord. I want a group to discuss laziness in doing quiet times and how to get more out of them when I do them... Would like to get a small group going with ladies I've "met" on Web. Want to get involved in top quality Biblical studies. I am interested in doing a study. If you could send me anything, it would be a blessing. I am thirsty and searching the net for some biblical excitement. I want to learn as much as I can about our Lord and His Word. Hungry for the word of GOD, to study to show myself approved. May our goal be salvation of the lost. I have included your banner on my web page Looking for new stories. I am looking to improve my understanding of the Bible. I am an adult Bible fellowship teacher. When I first tried to submit, my Surfwatch blocked the site. I assume that this was because of the word "adult". I hope to hear from you. I want to learn about the Bible. I want to understand the Bible. I love Jesus. Knowledge of Bible is minimal, would like to get a basic knowledge. I am 54 and raising 4 grandchildren and a daughter until she gets on her feet. Feel a need for knowledge. I'm trying to get closer to God and build my faith in him. To understand western culture deeply. Just got your web site address from a friend. We enjoyed your class this morning and decided to visit your site! I go to nursing homes, 12 times a week. Pray for me. I am interested to know more of the truth which is given in the Bible. I feel thorough knowledge of the Bible through study is mandatory. I really want to understand more about Christianity I desire to know more about God's word. To love Him more is to know Him more. Please include me in your prayer. Looking forward to studying and learning more about the Bible. I want to come closer to God Just starting-in; think they will be well received and people will receive blessings. |
Requests |
Books of John
Jesus and the Apostles Mathematical analysis I would like some information on the Kingdom of God Do you have a correspondence course? I'm trying to learn more about God. Thank You. Thanks. Please give me a Bible quotation to show how God is a loving forgiving and patient father. Thank you. Israel's defeat and conquest of Ai I am interested to learn more about Jacob`s dream, where he saw the angels coming up and down the stairs. How do I get started on the Bible study? I would appreciate if you could provide me on articles regarding witnessing Thank you for the offer. Kindly send me the first lessons for me to assess whether I would be able to continue with the remaining lessons. May God bless your works. I would like this in Audio for my Blind Dad. How often will I receive new additions? I am very interested in Bible studies and wish to receive information on the courses that you have to offer. Send me any stories. We are in New Testament / Acts and Romans. Can you help? Also book of John????? Please notify me every time a new release comes out. Please send me any additional free books that you have. I would very much appreciate it a lot. Thanks Ldyaur@aol.com and her twin sister PSKi62698 need your support and prayers right now. Her mother is ill with a rare form of cancer. Please send her a note of consolation and pray for her and her mom. I am looking for a study of the Book of Revelation. I want more study materials Teachings of New Testament Subscribe email newsletter Gospel of John Studies on the holy laughter I'm looking for a study of Revelations. Please give me only Max Lucado's study Bible or English Version for the deaf. I have difficulty understanding any other versions. Thanks!!!!! :) I would appreciate any help to teach my Sunday School class. Thank you so much for this site. I have so enjoyed study the Bible through your web site. May God continue blessing you. Please, please let me know when you add any additions. A suggestion if you don't mind? I would like to study the book of Revelations. That book is very interesting, but hard to comprehend. I know that you could make it easy to understand. Please send me some bible stories about great men in the Bible Please remove my name from your list. I will not have access to the web after next month. Thanks. I am interested in a study on angels. Send me stories Please keep me informed. Show me the Bible studies |
It would be helpful to me if you could do a study on fellowship, especially of Christian believers to each other. I would like to find a story that would be entertaining and learning for adults. I would like a study on Ham and his descendants. Do you have any pictures of David slaying Goliath? Help on lesson The People God calls Hey Kurt-- Keep up the good work and keep sending me more Bible studies thru my e-mail address. God Bless!!!! Kindly do not send e-mail to me any more as this is a Company in Qatar and the company has objection of receiving msg. of this nature. I recently joined up with you and my computer crashed. I can't locate your Bible Study area. Can you please give me a KEYWORD or tell me what to go to? I would really appreciate it as your studies are of great value. May God keep you encouraged in all that you do as His servant. Thank you very much for the Bible studies that you e-mailed me over the Internet and I really appreciate that you are helping a fellow Christian with the teachings of the outlines of your Bible studies. Please note that I am teaching a group in a Sunday School in a church that me and my husband belong to and the teacher is impressed on what I am teaching them. I really am glad I have that gift of sharing the "word of GOD" to these people in and out of the church and onto the streets. Again thank you for everything you have given me and hope to hear from you again real soon. Been trying to find your web page on Bible Study. I thought I had bookmarked it, but I can't seem to find it. I enjoyed the one I printed off the page and I would like to do others. I hope you could help me. Galatians 2 Genesis 1 - Creation Pray for my family. Please notify me of additions. Please let me know of new additions dealing with John chapter 4 and to the end of the book. Lessons on Jesus I'd like information on how to obtain a copy of the entire Bible study with student handouts, teacher notes, and reading list all 2 years as soon as they are available. I found it interesting and would use it if I had it downloaded but the lab that I used does not allow us to print anything from the Internet. Thank you very much for sending the Bible Studies via mail on disk I appreciate them very much and find them very useful. Would you consider making your studies available via 3.5 inch diskette, please? I'm on a timed Internet service, and it's rather hard to download all the information. Thanks. John and Mark If it would not be to much trouble could you please include a short introduction of yourself, and give a little bit of background on your doctrinal beliefs and teaching experience. Thank you I would like to study Revelation Seeking information on Genesis chapter 1 & 2 I need studies on conduct for adult singles I'm very interested in being notified when new additions become available. Thank you. Send help via the Lords word Please give me all the info that I need. Interesting site. Where is the story of Lot and his wife? I would like to read what the material has to say about it. |
Requests With Replies |
Hi, I'm writing this mail in Turkey. I wouldn't like to take your time for this, but I thought you have some knowledge in this subject. I want to change my religion but I don't know how to do it. I tried one more time but I gave up because of the sect. I want to be a catholic. If you help me for this subject I'll be very happy. And I'm sorry for my English.
God has provided many ways for you to grow spiritually in Him. One way is His Word. He reveals Himself through His Word and gives you direction on what it means to be a child of His. Many tools are available to help guide you through His Word. The studies on the Bible Stories for Adults website (http://come.to/biblestories) are one place to start. Another important way God has provided is His Body - the Church. God uses us to disciple, encourage and support each other in His faith. A community of believers in your area is wating with open arms to receive you into their family and nurture you into Christian maturity. Your steps should be two-fold: 1 - Continue diving into His Word, the Bible, to learn the truths that God has prepared for you. Immerse yourself through personal Bible Study, but also find and small group and large group Bible Studies for further growth. 2 - Find and join a local Christian church. Become assimilated into the family of believers, find the spiritual gifts God has given you and use them with your resources in stewardship to Him. May God bless you as you draw closer to Him. I need information on the story of Coat of Many Colors. Thank you
A little more is mentioned in the study on Joseph. This is Study 11 of the first quarter of the Old Testament year of studies on the Bible Stories for Adults web-site. You can access it via: I would like to find out some more information on Advent, its history and changes. Would you have any such information?
I enjoyed the Bible Study on Peter's Denial. Do you have others on the Internet?
Do you have any lessons on us being God's chosen (special) people for these last days? Thank You.
I am interested in placing an online version of the Bible (NIV) on my web site (currently being worked on). Where can I get a version of the text online. I can do the HTML formatting, but I need the text. I'm asking because I want to make it legal of course. Where did you get yours? I would also be interested in putting a search engine on it. Can you help me?
Even sites that contain lots of versions (such as Goshen's study tools at http://www.biblestudytools.net/) do not include NIV. There is one site I have found which includes the NIV. They even allow you to create links on your web-site to their on-line Bible texts. It is called Bible Gateway and you can reach it at: http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?language=English&version=NIV I hope this helps you down your path. Merry Christmas Kurt... Just wondering if you are planning to start sending out the information about the Whole Chapter of Genesis for my studies to read . Please reply me back when you get this message. Thanks
I haven't decided how I will put this on the Bible Stories web-site yet. I may do it by replacing the studies of the first quarter of the first year, or I may offer a totally different series to access. It will likely be a few months before I get to this. I still have a number of Acts studies at the end of year 3 to convert and post. I plan to tackle the Genesis conversion after that. I admit I don't know alot about this sort of thing but shouldn't you also have a study that explains why people should do this or even have a study that a person could have fun in. I don't know if either of these are good ideas or not but I just thought it could do some good.
I have to give a study on "resisting the desires of the flesh" Galatians 5:16-21
2 - Knowing are sinful nature and it's desires 3 - How to take control
Can you give me the place in the Bible where Jesus is baptized by John?
Please send me any and all subjects that deal with ACTS AND APOSTLE PAUL. WE ARE STUDYING this at Bible study now.
Studies covering Acts 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10 are posted on the Bible Stories for Adults web-site now. You can access them at: If you let me know what your study schedule is, I can try to have the studies you need ready by the time you need them. Can I have anything on the baptism of Jesus? Preferably a direct transcript please!
I need stories of Goliath
Who was Samuel and what was his story?
Before anything else, please try to understand me. Right now, I am experiencing a financial problem. I know I shouldn't have said this to you but I don't know what and where to go now. Please help me.
Are you involved in a community of believers (ie, a church)? If so, you will find God's love for you through the members of His body (the people in the church). If not, I encourage you to seek out the family God has waiting for you. They will welcome and love you as a member of His family. In either case, once the Lord helps you back on your feet through His arms and legs on earth, find your role as a member of His body. God may be using this experience to show you His body at work so you can become a more active and effective help to others for Him. I have an interest in the study of the complete study of the Bible. I like to read other's opinion about the Scriptures.
I would like permission to use these Bible studies and print them off of my computer if that is possible. I feel they would benefit everyone in our small group study.
Can you please send me a copy of the story of Jacob Flees and Returns in the Book of Genesis 28-36 ASAP? Thanks.
On the positive side, the particular study you mention is one I plan to write in the next two week. I should be able to put it on the site by the end of the month. Please do not sell my name on a list
I am an individual (there is no company or organization associated with Bible Stories for Adults) and I despise spam emails as much as any one else. By subscribing to Bible Stories for Adults, you will receive exactly and only what it says - notification of whenever new additions have been made to the Bible Stories for Adults web-site. There is a possibility that I personally might send a special message on something that comes up, but in the nearly two years that this site has been active, I have never had reason to do so. One thing that I ask of you in response - make use of these studies and share them with others. Let me know of insights and feedback you have regarding the studies. I pray that God blesses you through the study of His Word. I need a study guide with notes and handouts for adults in John, ch. one.
You will, however, find numerous studies in the Bible Stories for Adults curriculum that refer to key verses in John 1:1-18. Studies dealing with John the Baptist refer to many of these verses. The second half of John 1 (verses 19-50) are specifically covered in a study you can find at the Bible Stories for Adults site. It is entitled "Jesus Calls the First Disciples" and can be found as Study 9 at: I pray God blesses your study of His Word. I'm an Anglican in South Africa and I wish I can get your Bible Stories every time you prepare them or e-mail them to me. Please send me any information you can on your site.
Studies and instructions on their use are available on the Bible Stories for Adults website (http://www.biblestoriesforadults.com) whenever you want them simply by displaying and printing them from your browser. If you would like to be notified when new studies are added to the site, simply complete the form on the main page of the site. Additions are made approximately once per month. What version of the Bible did you base these stories from?
The main difference between a Roman Catholic Bible and the Bible used by Protestants is the inclusion of a dozen additional books called "apocryphal" by Protestants. These books were accepted by Catholics as "deuterocanonical" (secondary canon) in 1546 in direct response to the reformation movement. You can find a little more about the Apocrypha, the canon and Bible versions in the study entitled "The Word of God". You can access this study from the Bible Stories for Adults homepage at: I am starting an adult Sunday School class on John's three letters. Would you have anything that could be helpful? Thanks much!
I find that your site is good in this particular subject, so I get in here and drop a visit. I just want to have a summarized stories of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph. This is our project, and I'm finding it hard to find. So please, if you can, please help me :) and also I also want to have a photo's of what's been happened in the stories of Joseph, Abraham, and Jacob. I also wanted to have a full stories of them. Thanks in advance!
Eight studies cover this section of the Bible, which may be more than the summary which you desire. I am in the process right now of writing a single study that will summarize the entire book of Genesis. This may be more along the lines of your request. Let me know if you would like me to e-mail a copy to you when it is finished. (It will be ready within the next two weeks.) I find the notes very useful and would like to download but it is too time-consuming to download item by item one at a time. Please advise if there is any better way. God bless and thank you.
At some point in the future we intend to offer these studies in book form through my church. I will send out an email notice once they become available in this format. Until then, if you prefer not to display the study while logged onto the Internet, you can save each study through your browser and view or print them at a later time without being connected to the Internet. For example, if you use Netscape v3 like I do, you can click your right mouse button while the pointer is over the study link you desire. Select "Save Link" and save the file where you want it on your hard drive. |
I would really like to read the story of Steven. He was a Servant of God who was stoned to death and asked Jesus not to judge his murderers on what they did to him. It appears, Jesus stood in a symbolic salute to Steven for his courage.
Please help!! Thanks! God Bless!
A friend of mine at work say's that it mentions reincarnation. I would like to know where (if it does at all). She believes in it strongly. I like to keep an open mind concerning all things, but I am a bit skeptical about this one. Can you clear this up for me? Thanks.
Is there a city in the Bible called Saint James? And if so where?
The word "saint" is not used in the Bible as a title, but rather as a descriptor. For example, you will not find the term "Saint Olympas", but you will find "Olympas and all the saints". (Romans 16:15, NIV) Another interesting note, the word "saint" is always plural in the NIV. The KJV and RSV do include the singular word, such as in Psalms 106:16 - "Aaron the saint of the Lord." Cities named after faithful saints are post Biblical. I would guess that they were also named posthumously. We are need for English material to guide the new believers. Pls supply us more information.
Studies are available for you to freely use simply by following the links on the website, displaying the desired study handouts or teacher notes and hitting Print on your browser. May God bless you and your family of Christ through the use of these studies. Please let me know how the Spirit works through these studies among you. I am of catholic background. I have not studied the Bible thoroughly. I need guidance from you. How do I start to learn and get better understanding of God's word. Please guide me to read and understand the word of God. So that I can speak to my fellow catholic Christians about God's word. I am sorry that I am requesting your attention from your hectic schedule. Please help. My knowledge of the Bible is very minimal. Please give guidance. Thank you. Praise the Lord.
Just as a baby cannot immediately run a marathon, but must first learn to crawl then walk then run, a baby student of God's Word must grow through the Spirit's guidance into maturity. The best way to grow into study of God's Word is to do it. The study on The Word of God will give you a basic introduction and starting point. (This study can be accessed from the Bible Stories for Adults home page.) The next step is to dive in. As mentioned in the last questions of the attached study, there are three main ways to study the Bible: large group study (with a gifted teacher), small group study (search and discuss the Scriptures with other Christians) and personal study (read and investigate on your own). You should not choose just one of these. The Spirit works differently through each method. Look at your church for a good large group study of the Word. Make sure that the study focuses on the Scriptures rather than just some book that someone wrote. (Just because a class uses a book doesn't mean that it doesn't focus on the Scriptures.) If your church has a small group ministry, join one of these groups. Make sure it is a group that studies the Scriptures in their gatherings. If your church does not have a small group program, find other Christians like yourself (whether in the church, at work, in the neighborhood, or wherever) and gather regularly to study. Finally, make for yourself a regular pattern of personal Bible Study. Find a time every day and a place where you can be undisturbed and dive in. Whether you begin by simply reading, or by using a study guide, the Spirit will surely reach you and build you up in His truths. The Bible Stories for Adults studies (http://www.biblestoriesforadults.com) fit well in all three methods - large group, small group and personal study. If you need Scripture-focused materials for any of these three methods, I suggest that you utilize the Bible Stories for Adults materials. I pray that God will bless you through your studies into His Word. Please let me know how things go for you as time passes in the Word. My wife and I wish to learn more about the Bible and prefer courses that are available to us through the mail or E:Mail. We can not afford to go to college to learn more about His Word, but wish to be consumed with His Holy Spirit and knowledge. Praise God. If you have any information that would be helpful to us, please forward it to the above E:Mail or to us via mail.
Bible Stories for Adults is a series of studies that can be helpful to your journey into God's Word. You may especially find helpful the study on "The Word of God" (accessible from the main site). Studies in this series are available at no charge on the Bible Stories for Adults website at: Although Bible Stories for Adults studies are not currently available via mail or e-mail, you can obtain them by selecting the desired studies from the web-site, displaying them on the screen, then printing or saving them. Plans are to provide these studies in printed form in bound books at some point in the future. When these become available, notification will be given on the main site page and via e-mail to those who have subscribed to be notified of additions to the site. May God bless your growth through study of His Word. I cannot find the source of King Solomon putting the curse on the masons who built the temple. Can you help me?
1 - Solomon "conscripted" 80,000 stonecutters (2 Chronicles 2:2). The masons were therefore forced laborers. 2 Chronicles 2:17-18 tells us that these forced laborers were aliens and not Israelites. 2 - The stones were cut to exact size and shape at the quarry and they were not to be dressed, shaped or otherwise modified by chisels, etc. at the temple site (1 Kings 5:15-18; 6:7). This would have made the job more difficult. Please let me know if either of these is what you are looking for. If not, I am curious about what you might have heard elsewhere.
May God bless your studies. Hi Kurt--It's been a while since I wrote to you last-- Need a favor from you-- Can you please mail me out your texts?
For now, you can get printed copies by going to a particular study and hitting the Print button of your browser (Netscape, Explorer, whatever). This may not give you the greatest output, but it is functional. My husband and I are doing a web page for our Church. I really like your bible.gif and wondered if you'd mind us using it in our Church Web Page? Please let us know.
I teach a small group of adults in a Methodist Church. We are currently studying the Old Testament and how it can help us today. Also how it relates to the New Testament. We decided to go back to the Bible rather than use the standard study sent to us. We felt there was little value in what was sent to us. Would like anything you have that would help get across the message we are hungry for.
The author reserves all rights for use in published material or in uses where fees are involved. For permission, or to provide your comments, insights and feedback, contact the author at:
Please send Bible study material from the book of Acts 17-21 for a small group.
http://users2.ev1.net/~kurtr/SNT3.html#Q4 You will see that these studies are not yet available on the web-site. To help with your immediate need, I have attached some preliminary Microsoft Word versions of these studies. They have not been retested, edited and reformatted for general use. Final versions should become available on the site later this year. I am interested in any material you have which will help me to help others become better Christians for the body of Christ as a whole. Have you considered implementing a study which deals with the different types of Baptisms?
My studies on Baptism do not focus much attention on methods, because the method does not really matter. What does matter is the presence of water with the Word and the act of saving grace performed by God through the sacrament. Thank you so very much for your lessons. I was saved one year ago and this has been the best year of my life. I wish I could do something for you.
Please send anything for me to read about the Holy Bible and its history.
I would like to have the following free materials for my group: student hand-out, teacher notes, and reading list. Thank-you, and may God bless you!!!
New studies are regularly added. If you would like to be notified when new studies are added, simply complete the form on the main web page. I love the studies that you have placed on the Internet, however when trying to print them it's hard to read. Is it possible to not put the gray background so the letter will show better? Thank you.
I am interested in any and all study information you may have: quizzes, self-tests, etc.
I am beginning a Bible Study at home for adults. We would like to begin with the NT book of 1st. John. I would appreciate any study materials you have on 1st. John.
I do, however, have studies built around the Bethel Bible Series. In this series, 1 John is briefly included in the study on False Teachings. If you have gone through the Bethel Bible Series you might find this helpful and I could forward it to you. If you have not gone through Bethel, it might not be very meaningful to your studies. Hey there. I am wondering is there anyway we can get these Bible studies through the mail.
Until then, they can be printed off of the Internet site, or (especially if you have a time-based ISP or your Internet access is not connected to a printer) I can provide studies via floppy. I was wondering if you have a study guide/hand-outs in regards to John 11 (Lazarus)? Thanks!
Some other studies also refer to this story, especially those dealing with Jesus' week of passion. Jesus' raising of Lazarus was the straw that broke the camel's back for the Jewish leaders and pushed the over the edge for eliminating this popular threat. They even wanted to kill Lazarus to stop the publicity. I would like to receive the real story on Adam and Eve, a more in depth understanding on what really happened in that garden of Eden.
The other story is "God Promises a Savior." You can find it at http://users2.ev1.net/~kurtr/SNT2.html#Q4. If neither of these address the specific questions you have, please e-mail them to me and I will see if I have anything to offer. Are you also working on lessons on individual Books of the Bible?
Author's Background |
I've just found you on the web. Would you please send me something about who you are--your church affiliation, your education, etc.?
The closest thing to a background sketch that I have put together was in response to a similar request to another subscriber to Bible Stories for Adults. You will find this under the Authors Background section of the Comments page: To get a quick feel for my faith and beliefs, you can read through replies to questions I have received on the Questions and Answers page: Without spending much time at it, here are a few quick insights into my faith and doctrine: 1 - The Bible is the true Word of God as He inspired men of old to write what He wanted written, exactly as He wanted it written. We have everything He wanted us to have to understand His ways and His will for our lives so that He can work His faith in us to receive the eternal life which He has prepared for us. The Bible is inerrant in every way. 2 - Just because we don't understand everything the Bible says, or how it says it, does not mean that there are any errors or conflicts in the Bible. It only means that we don't currently understand it. Just as the Jews were unable to understand that the Messiah would be the Savior of the world and not another King David, even though God told them clearly, we cannot expect that we can fully understand all of God's mysteries with our limited human minds. God reveals the truths we need through His Spirit and will bring us to complete understanding when we join Him in heaven. (Don't worry if you don't understand everything about the book of Revelation. Likewise, don't believe anyone who says they do.) 3 - I ascribe to the three historical creeds of the church (Apostles', Nicene and Athanasian) as correct statements of the Christian faith. 4 - I view Ephesians 2:8-9 as the perfect summary of the Gospel. There is nothing we can do to affect our salvation. Being as good as we can or working on building our own faith will have no effect. The only way to be saved is by faith in Christ. This faith, like eternal life, is a free gift of God that we simply need to receive and live in. By keeping the door open to the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to live within us, He will build and mature our faith and produce in and through us His fruit. I'm sure I could keep on, but I think this should give you a basic picture of the background behind the studies on Bible Stories for Adults. Please contact me if you have any more specific questions or comments. Keep up the good work. I'll enjoy your site. Found out about you from my new buddy who I met thru WW. |
Tell me about yourself, your church, affiliation, etc. when you have the time.
Without getting into details, I am a lay person at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (see link on website) in Nassau Bay, Texas (outside of Houston across from NASA). I have taught many studies over the years, most of which I have developed from scratch. I will continue to post many of these studies to the website as time goes on. I developed the Bible Studies for Adults curriculum over a three-year period 3-6 years ago. I found a need to introduce adult baby Christians to the great stories of the Bible that they had not been exposed to as children as I had been. I also found that most lay people don't know these stories as well as they think they do and very few understand the cultural settings and other meanings that are so easily lost today. To fill these gaps, I decided to develop such a curriculum. I decided to use the same text bases that our kids were learning in Sunday School at the time. This way parents could discuss the stories with their kids when they went home. This explains the selection and order of classes. I am currently teaching this material the second time around. This has given me the opportunity to make minor adjustments along the way. The classes on the website have been taught twice. I am also in the process of developing some new classes which we will begin teaching at Gloria Dei later this year. These may or may not be posted to the website. Either way they will be available for purchase from the church. Gloria Dei is a pace-setting LCMS congregation of around 2200 members. I have served as chairman of the congregation for the past three years and serve in numerous other ministries. We are looking for ways to send more people out in mission work as you have described. We support a few missionaries, also fully and partial. About 21% of our budget goes out in mission. We are adding to that yearly with a goal of 27%. |
Sharing the Spirit |
I wanted to thank you for the Bible studies. I am home with my Mother who has dementia and can not walk due to a stroke and poor circulation in her legs. I am an only child who has always said I would not let Mom go to a rest or a nursing home.
I gave up a good job with a large company. I know where my priorities are and that is to my Lord first, then to my Mom and family. It is real hard but thanks to you and more online people I have studied the word more this past year than I have in more than 30 years. I was saved when I was a teenager of 14 and with the Lord's help I will be 55 on February 7. I do my Bible study after everyone has gone to bed and the Lord and I have a great time. I have a question! Is it common knowledge throughout Texas, that over a 1,000 homes and families were devastated by the floods on Oct. 20 and Nov.14, 1998? The reason I am asking is because people in your area could know this and not be there to help. Members of my Wisconsin church family, have been packing up our cars and heading for Victoria, TX to clean up neighborhoods and start the rebuilding process. We don't want to believe that you; according to Luke 10: 30-37, "are acting as priests & Levites." I pray for you daily. Please let me know specific things to pray for so I can write them down on my list. I've written Colossians 1:9 at the top of my prayer list. Paul sure had more to do than I have and yet he continually prayed for "you." Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. -- Colossians 1:9
I'm enjoying your Bible Study--just started this week. Thank you so much. My son has a site and is doing a lot of papers on theological "stuff." He has found out about a connection with Amazon.com where people can hit a pile of books on his web page and this takes them into Amazon. When they order books, he gets a percentage. May I suggest you contact him and ask him how you can do this. This money will help you to be able to maintain your site. As a proud grandma, I encourage you to get into his Family Camp page and see some pix of their four sons. May God continue to bless your site, dear Kurt. Won't it be wonderful some day when you meet Jesus and He says, "Let me introduce you to these people. They came to a personal relationship with me thru your web site." Awesome thought, huh? I have not set up a site, but am doing my witnessing thru the Weight Watchers threads. When Jesus is so wonderful for doing so much for me, how can I help but wanting to tell others?
I appreciate your concern and suggestion about a source of income to help me maintain the Bible Stories for Adults website. But, thanks to God, He has blessed me greatly and continues to do so. He provides the resources that allows me to serve in this ministry. My greatest concern for income is for the "income" of people who need to learn what God has done for them and of people who have heard and need to grow in His grace through faith. This is why you find the banners on many of the pages and why I continue to look for sites where the Bible Stories for Adults site can be linked. My intent is to help guide people into the treasures offered in God's Word and to help the Spirit work in the lives of many through these studies. That is why the studies are free and readily available on the Internet. The only pay I request from others is for them to share the great faith they have received from the Spirit with others. As you said, as Jesus has done so much for me, how can I help but want to tell others? I don't know who pushed me to search for this study. I just move on the Internet and look for this topic. You know, something different happens to me. It seems my problems weigh down and I don't think of it. God knows how big my problems are. Every day, I feel comfortable and happy, more patient and more understanding, unlike ever before. Thank you very much for your response. I would really appreciate it if you could give me the word of the Lord everyday, so that I can share it with my husband and my kids. I really want to have a relationship with the Lord. I think this is the one I needed, because I feel that if I am with the Lord, He will carry me and ease my problem. I know the Lord will teach me how to encourage my Husband and my Kids.
The studies available on the Bible Stories for Adults website will help guide you and your family through the Scriptures. You can call up and print out any study you would like at any time. Just click on the underlined areas. Kurt, how are you? Well, I'm blessed. I just wanted to say thank you for your precious time. I wanted to tell you a little about myself, for the help you have given. I'm 18 yrs old and I've been seeking the Lord more in areas of my life. So when I looked up for help on the net, it really meant alot to know there's Godly help to questions I need to know. Moreover, anytime you have new info, freely send it to me. I have an open mind to all opinions on God's word. I will pray that your site will continue to live on in the name of Jesus and blessing upon your life as well. Be blessed Mr. Kurt. I put Scriptures on most things I put up. Been doing a lot thru Weight Watchers--their Christian Encouragement and Fat, Fifties and Frenzies and Fifty and Up. Hebrews 4 talks about "resting" and that is the key to so many of these people who are so unsuccessful in losing weight. I know. Whenever I want to go food crazy, I am beginning to get in touch with the fact that I have no "peace with the Lord" and therefore am not resting in Him. Thank you very much for your help to guide me in studying the Bible. I am a businessman in Moscow. I was very busy last time. From now on I will try a new study according to your consulting. I believe that God has been in the world forever. I was a member of a special evangelistic group for 10 years from 1982 in USSR before there was an open door into the Communist nation. It was when I was a student in South Korea, majoring in Russian. Thank you. Kurt, I am a Christian. Thank God for computers and people like you who can have the time to have sites like this. I had to quite my job to be able to stay home with my mother who has dementia. She has also had a hip replacement but cannot walk at all. I have only been to my church twice since December. Mother also had a stroke and can not be left alone at all. I am the only child. But thanks to you I do my Bible Study while she is asleep and also late at night. I stay in the Word of God . He has been so good to me and my family. It would take me a good day and then some to tell you of His blessings. Again, thanks. |
I have a heart full of love for the disabled, especially the children. I started a Disability Sunday School Class at Church. I call it my back door opening to reach out to the families of disabled children. I am active in JAF (Joni Eareckson Tada Ministries also known as Joni and Friends). If you have any special information or scripture references that you feel may be helpful to me in my ministry I would appreciate anything you could send me.
Please know how much I appreciate all that you are doing to serve Christ in the Internet.
http://users2.ev1.net/~kurtr/SNT2.html and http://users2.ev1.net/~kurtr/SNT3.html Thank You for taking the time and producing this web page. I am a member of Victory Outreach International Ministry. I live in San Diego Ca. God is raising me up to teach His word. I found your web site while looking for Character Studies. What a blessing your page is. Kurt, I was a drug addict for 23 yrs until God got a hold of my life 4 yrs ago. Since then He has aloud me to graduate from the school of ministry. We have many rehabilitation homes for men and women through out the world. God has opened the door for me to teach in our men's home and also to become a sub teacher in the school here in San Diego. Material such as yours is a blessing to simple minded people like us. Most of our people never even went to school. We (90 percent) do not have good educations. But we do have a heart for God and the drug addict, prostitute and gang member. So with your permission I would like to use your material to equip our people for the Lords service. Thanks for the notification. I am hoping to learn from your website as well as a student Bible that my mother is sending to me. It is terrible that I am a mother and don't have any direction for the children when it comes to the Bible. I sort of stay away from the questions but it only leaves them blind. Anyway, again I thank you for thinking up such a wonderful idea.
I pray that the Spirit fills you with understanding as you use these studies to work through His Word. I further pray that the Spirit empowers you to be a witness to your children and that He guides you as you relate these stories and God's will and ways to them. Study on Samson
He is in the Navy in London and has a new wife and baby, I used to always ask him if he was thanking the Lord for all his good fortune and prosperity, he would respond, "Yea Dad come on." Well when he got sick I called him and he said, "Dad, I've been praying." We all did and the Lord worked two miracles in one. He saved my boy and through his grace and mercy truly saved him. I just thought I'd go into that. Oh as soon as I sent you the request I delved further into your site and found what I needed. I'm kinda new at this computer thing but I'm getting the hang of it. May the Lord bless your ministry and you are in my prayers keep up the Lord's work. Kurt, Just wanted to write to you and express my gratitude to you for all the help your web site has given me in teaching my Sunday School Class. 3 months ago when my Pastor approached me about teaching the young adult class at church I was apprehensive about taking on such a great responsibility. After all I am a relatively young Christian myself, having only been saved for about 3 years now. But I talked it over with my wife and prayed and asked God and decided to take on the task. During the 3 months I have tried many different things. But your study guides are the best I have found. I use them to prepare my class. The only drawback to them I have seen is that they are written using the NIV I think. We are members of a church where we believe that only the KJV of the Bible is the true word of God. But I won't pass judgment on anyone for that. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ !!! As I have said your lessons are a TREMENDOUS help to me and I thank you again for the service that you provide. May God reward you for your labors. I was wondering how long has your site been up and do you plan on continuing to keep it up and running for months or years even. I have printed out the first three quarters of the old testament but that is a lot of printing and I stopped. If you don't envision the site being here for a long time I will need to copy all your lessons I suppose. I have taken enough of your time. But the main reason for this note is to tell you THANK YOU and to let you know what a great help it has been to me and my class. I will continue to pray for you, and may God bless you.
Feedback like yours is very encouraging. Although adding studies to the site takes a fair amount of hard-to-find time, encouragement like yours excites me into striving to add more to the site. As long as I continue to receive feedback like this, I cannot foresee a time when I would not maintain these studies on the net. For your info, the studies currently on the site are just the first 1-3/4 years of a 3-year curriculum I put together. I try to add 3 studies every 2 weeks. This next update may take a little longer because of Thanksgiving and a major Christmas musical we are putting on at our church. I will make sure you are notified when new studies are added. Again, thanks for the feedback. I pray God blesses your use of these studies. Please contact me with any questions, or if you have any particular insights or suggestions. |