Bible Stories for Adults

Year 3 - New Testament Studies

Second Generation

How long has it been since you studied the classic stories of the Bible?

Have you ever looked at these stories from an adult perspective?

Are you a new Christian and have never heard these stories?

Bible Stories for Adults is your opportunity to become reacquainted with the Biblical characters and events that Christians have come to love. There is much we can learn about God as He reveals Himself through His-Story.

This second year focuses on stories in the New Testament covering the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Themes of each quarter include:
          Quarter 1 - Lessons From Jesus
          Quarter 2 - The Road to The Cross
          Quarter 3 - Jesus Fulfills His Mission
          Quarter 4 - The Good News Spreads

Studies in the Second Generation of Bible Stories for Adults are provided in downloadable Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. To use pdf studies, you will need the Acrobat reader software that you can download free from Once you have installed the software, you can simply click on the study you want and either save it or open it to view and print.
Groups of studies can be downloaded quickly and in bulk via zipped files. To unzip studies from zipped files, you will need the WinZip software that you can download free from Once you have installed the software, you can simply click on the study you want and either save it or open it to extract the files.

Bible Stories For Adults

New Testament - Year 3 - First Quarter

Lessons From Jesus

Week Bible Story
Student Handout
Teacher Notes
Reading List
mp3 Audio
NT501 Jesus Forgives an Adulterous Woman John 7:1-8:11 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.3M)
NT502 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind John 9 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.0M)
NT503 Jesus the Good Shepherd John 10 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.2M)
NT504 Jesus Sends Out 70 Disciples Luke 10:1-24 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.8M)
NT505 The Good Samaritan Luke 10:24-27 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.0M)
NT506 Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.5M)
NT507 The Foolish Rich Man Luke 12:13-34 Handout Notes List mp3 (10.9M)
NT508 Parables on Finding the Lost Luke 15 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.7M)
NT509 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.8M)
NT510 Jesus Raises Lazarus John 11 Handout Notes List mp3 (12.4M)
NT511 Jesus Heals Ten with Leprosy Luke 17:11-19 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.5M)
NT512 The Pharisee and The Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.5M)
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All Handouts
451 KB
All Notes
527 KB
All Lists
175 KB

Bible Stories For Adults

New Testament - Year 3 - Second Quarter

The Road to The Cross

Week Bible Story
Student Handout
Teacher Notes
Reading List
mp3 Audio
NT601 The Rich Young Man Luke 18:18-30 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.6M)
NT602 Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus Luke 18:35-43 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.1M)
NT603 Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.1M)
NT604 Jesus Enters Jerusalem Luke 19:28-48 Handout Notes List mp3 (12.7M)
NT605 Challenges in the Temple Mark 11:1-12:40 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.5M)
NT606 The Widow's Offering Mark 12:41-44 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.7M)
NT607 Ten Bridesmaids / End Times Matthew 24-25 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.9M)
NT608 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet John 13:1-17 Handout Notes List mp3 (10.7M)
NT609 The Lord's Supper Luke 22:7-20 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.5M)
NT610 Jesus is the Way to the Father John 14 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.0M)
NT611 Final Preparations for the Disciples John 15-16 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.2M)
NT612 Jesus Prays for His Disciples John 17 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.4M)
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All Handouts
746 KB
All Notes
834 KB
All Lists
176 KB

Bible Stories For Adults

New Testament - Year 3 - Third Quarter

Jesus Fulfills His Mission

Week Bible Story
Student Handout
Teacher Notes
Reading List
mp3 Audio
NT701 Jesus in Gethsemane Matthew 26:1-56 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.6M)
NT702 Jesus Before the High Priest Matthew 26:57-68 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.1M)
NT703 Peter Denies Jesus Matthew 26:69-75 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.3M)
NT704 Jesus Before the Romans Matthew 27:1-26 Handout Notes List mp3 (18.3M)
NT705 Jesus is Crucified and Buried Matthew 27:27-66 Handout Notes List mp3 (17.6M)
NT706 The First Easter Matthew 28:1-15 Handout Notes List mp3 (12.3M)
NT707 Jesus Appears to Apostles & to Thomas John 20:19-31 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.8M)
NT708 Feed My Lambs John 21 Handout Notes List mp3 (14.9M)
NT709 Great Commission / Ascension Acts 1:1-11 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.9M)
NT710 Pentecost Acts 2 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.5M)
NT711 Peter & John Heal a Lame Man Acts 3 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.1M)
NT712 Apostles in Prison Acts 4-5 Handout Notes List mp3 (13.8M)
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1191 KB
All Handouts
477 KB
All Notes
560 KB
All Lists
192 KB

Bible Stories For Adults

New Testament - Year 3 - Fourth Quarter

The Good News Spreads

Week Bible Story
Student Handout
Teacher Notes
Reading List
mp3 Audio
NT801 Stephen Acts 6-7 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.3M)
NT802 Philip Acts 8 Handout Notes List mp3 (17.0M)
NT803 Peter's Ministry Acts 9:32-11:18 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.4M)
NT804 Saul Converted Acts 9:1-31 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.1M)
NT805 Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey Acts 11; 13-14 Handout Notes List mp3 (15.4M)
NT806 The Jerusalem Council Acts 15 Handout Notes List mp3 (18.6M)
NT807 Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey – 1 Acts 16 Handout Notes List mp3 (16.2M)
NT808 Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey – 2 Acts 17-18 Handout Notes List mp3 (18.5M)
NT809 Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey – 1 Acts 19 Handout Notes List mp3 (17.9M)
NT810 Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey – 2 Acts 20 Handout Notes List mp3 (19.7M)
NT811 Paul Imprisoned & Appeal to Rome Acts 21-26 Handout Notes List mp3 (19.1M)
NT812 Journey to Rome & Shipwreck Acts 27-28 Handout Notes List mp3 (18.5M)
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1229 KB
All Handouts
492 KB
All Notes
586 KB
All Lists
188 KB

Copyright © 2006, 2016 by Kurt Rosenhagen
Use of this material is provided free of charge for use in personal or group Bible Study, no permission needed.
The author reserves all rights for use in published material or in uses where fees are involved.
For permission, or to provide your comments, insights and feedback, contact the author at:

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